Online PDF viewer with KolayElifBapdf!
KolayElifBapdf is a JavaScript-powered online PDF viewer that does not require any extra software. It has been designed by Turkish Kolay company and this project was developed by them as a free open source software. Though it's not an OCR reader yet, it's able to read and highlight text of the document just like any other PDF reader. One of the key features of the project is downloading the document and sharing it on social media or via email.
KolayElifBapdf can be used to read just any PDF file that is uploaded into the website by the user. It was designed by Turkish web application development company Kolay as an open source software.
KolayElifBapdf is an open source software released under MIT License for free under GNU GPL 3.0 Compatibility . The source code is available on GitHub and other public repositories such as KolayElifBapdf/kolaybapdffork .
Kolay Elif PDF viewer has been developed to ease the online reading of PDF documents and to enable social sharing.
Online viewers:- 1. WPS PDF Viewer - 2. Adobe Acrobat Reader Lite - http://www. 3. Nitro PDF Reader Software Free Download - 4. Foxit Reader - 5-downloads_video_player_utilities_others?videoPlayerUtilitiesOthers=1&downloadSource=1&downloadLanguage=1&extensionId=65608&initiatorId=65607 Social Sharing:- 1 . Twitter - https://twitter. com/ kolay_elif_bapdf 2. Facebook - about/kolayelifbapdf 3. Google Plus - 103750220741478438185 4- Facebook Fan Page: kolayelifbapdf 5- Twitter:
• https://github.
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